Friday, November 21, 2014

The First Post or; An Introduction to How This Blog Will Work

Hi! I'm Mark.

First off, if you're reading this, I want to thank you. I've found the realm of hair care is dominated by women- and rightly so. Without backing this statement up with any statistics, I think it's safe to say that women care considerably more about their hair than men do. Just take a stroll down any "Hair Care" section in a department store. It seems that the men's products were placed there almost as in afterthought. In fact, so few men ever travel down that aisle, that very often, certain men's hair products will be stocked with the men's shaving products. This is simply to ensure that male customers are exposed to at least a modicum of products tailored toward us.

Now, I mean no offense with that last paragraph. I am not suggesting that women are "silly" for caring so much about their hair, nor am I insinuating that women shouldn't care so much. I love bouncy, lustrous, curly locks on a woman as much as any man, and I know they (the locks) didn't get that way overnight!

Anyways, I felt the need to provide a resource for men who have little to no experience with hair products. My reviews won't necessarily be reviews per se, but rather, my personal experience with the product. I will cover everything I can about each product, from packaging, use, durability, to scent. The market, contrary to what I insinuated earlier in this post, does actually have a considerable offering of men's hair products. I'll also be covering products that are marketed as more of a "unisex" product, i.e. a hair repair serum. 

I'll be covering everything from gels, pomades, tonics, and sprays, to shampoo and conditioner. Old-timey products your father or even grandfather may have used, to the flashy new products, all boxed up in pretty packaging, promising you that your future mate will instantly be attracted to you (although, as I'll show, many of the "old-timey" products did the same...).

As I stated earlier, each review will be more of a recounting of my experience with the products, and my final opinion of them. My methodology will be to use the products for at least one week. As needed, I will try to expose the products to everyday circumstances (i.e. How a gel holds up in your hair when it's extremely cold, or when it is raining).

I'll do my best to remain unbiased, because hey, I do have favorites. Since they are accounts of my experiences, please feel free to contact me with any questions pertaining to products reviewed. I'll be able to give you information that I may not have touched upon in my review.

My goal is to help all you poor gentleman that have decided to ditch the haircut you've been rocking since eighth-grade for that sweet cut you saw in Mad Men. Only problem is, you walk into the hair care aisle after your visit to the barber and- what do you use to recreate that look perfectly?! Or perhaps your hair is dried out and rough to your significant other's touch? I'd like to help. If I can help even one man perfect his hair style, then I'll feel like this whole blogging escapade is worth it. Cheers!


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